Based on analyzing the entire Singapore collectively, it would seem that there are no shortage in childcare facilities across different education groups.
From an area analysis, there would seem to be a supply crunch in some areas for Play Group education. Based on observation, the Punggol area seems to have more red markers for Play Group education. However, this trend is not very distinct from observation.
It is difficult to see exactly in which areas the shortages are for Play Group education. Therefore, there is a need to explore another way of visualizing this data.
The Singapore government has demarcated boundaries in Singapore to represent the different areas for the facilitation of planning. This demarcation could be used as an alternative way to visualize the supply crunch for Play Group education.
The map shows the income levels of households. The blue scale represents the proportion of households within the area that have below SGD 5,000. For example, setting up a highly priced childcare centre in Outram would not be a good business proposition as 74% of households in that area have an income below SGD 5,000.